Many people do not consume the normal bread as they are allergic to gluten and that is why they prefer taking traditional bread. Traditional bread is a whole grain bread that is naturally vegan and also gluten-free. Breads that are baked the traditional way have many health benefits and that is why many people prefer them over the normal bread. Traditional breads are more nutritious than these breads that are made from whole wheat. With that said, here are some of the benefits why you should choose traditional bread over the normal bread;

The first benefit why you should choose traditional bread over the normal bread is because of the quality. Traditional breads by Vaudreuil Baker do not have any processed ingredients as they are prepared the traditional way and this makes them of high quality compared to the normal bread. The traditional technique way of baking the bread also delivers the highest quality of the bread. 

The other benefit of tradition bread is that it is more nutritious than the normal bread. Traditional bread does not contain any added flavors or preservatives and that is why they are considered more nutritious. The long fermentation process in making the bread releases nutrients such as zinc, iron and magnesium that are very useful to your body. Your body is not able to get these nutrients from other foods and that is why consuming traditional bread is advisable as you will get these important nutrients from the bread. The lactic acid bacteria that is present in these traditional breads enhance acidification that leads to increased solubility of both magnesium and phosphorous. 

The last benefit of taking traditional breads by Saint-Lazare Baker is that they low in Glycaemic Index which is known as GI. These supplements will help in keeping you full for a longer period and thus helps you in losing weight. Traditional breads are also gluten-friendly. As said earlier, many people do not take bread as they are allergic to gluten. Gluten is a type of protein that is mostly found in wheat products, spelt and rye. When making traditional bread, there is a long fermentation process that is involved and this fermentation process tends to break down all the gluten that is found in the wheat and thus making the bread gluten free. It is important especially for people that are allergic to gluten and cannot stop taking wheat products. Therefore, people who are allergy to gluten are advised to replace their normal bread with the traditional bread. Learn more about baking here: